Friday, June 24, 2011

Fond memories ........

Finally, I have the time to write about this... As suspected after haven't seen H.P. a.k.a "Hao Paw" for a long time, I finally got the chance to ask Uncle Wah , ie. her 'papa', about her.  It seemed that "Hao aw" had passed away two weeks after H.G's death.   They both had been buddies since young and always played together.  After H.G.'s passing away, "Hao Paw" had been looking sad and depressed but I didn't expect she will 'follow' H.G. so soon after all she looked pretty healthier than H.G.  Farewell to all my " paws "!!

H.G. a.k.a "Hao Gung" 3 years ago.

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