Sunday, August 17, 2008

Season for resigning

I am quite shock to learn that one of my closet colleague/friend is going to resign so soon!!
Although, I have been expecting it as we have always exchange our thoughts, I thought it will
be some time later.
However, it is some thing good. I sincerely congratulate her on her move for the better.
Just wish that the next one is me! And my resignation wish is simple ; to leave with a
24 hours notice and packed off! No goodbyes , no lot of questions, no ‘must-have-it’
artificial farewell and some superficial speeches …… and pretending to be sad good byes.

I really don’t mind having farewell gatherings with my friends and not with some
fellows who are in it because it is a normal practice. Or am I having these thoughts
because I know that I am or maybe not liked by many in my dept? So in order to save
myself from disgrace in case there is no turn up in my farewell gathering that is why I
rather don’t have it? And also about the superficial speech to give? I am definitely not
a speaker at all and don’t speak well at all. What if I say the ‘wrong’ things ie.
Saying what is in my thoughts? Then half a dozen of people might want to strangle me!

Well, I just hope one day I will be able to do it especially the 24 hour-notice part.
I can just shed off all the donkey’s work immediately and walk off laughing aloud!
How I wish ……… will happen real soon.

p.s. There are 3 person who have hand in their resignation this month.

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