Saturday, June 7, 2008

Dog's day

Not knowing the changes at Komtar Tower, I ventured up there last year to have lunch with G.A. The place changed dramatically from what I remembered as it used to be. It was quiet like a dead zone . Only a sales person was manning the gifts counter and ticketing counter.

A Japanese couple who went up together with us were totally appalled when they were asked to pay RM15 per person per entry.(with compliments of a bottle of mineral water and a few postcards) As we were not there for Georgetown’s bird view, we were recommended to buy food coupon which were also RM15 each .

As I was planning to dine in a Chinese restaurant, e.g. Tower Palace, I was very skeptical and kept confirming with the staff whether there was still a restaurant or was it a food court. She kept assuring me that there were Chinese food served and even let me went through the menu.
Although the prices indicated were pricey, ie. Fried spinach for > RM10.00, I did not take any heed from my 6th sense and went in.

As soon as I saw the place, I knew I have been ‘conned’ . Two foreign staff was manning the little food court there. All that western style, Chinese style, local dish blah, blah……… I still couldn’t believe it and ignored the puzzled look from them, and went to the next section, walked round the tower searching for a restaurant. Well, a ‘restaurant’ was there but it was not operating daily , it only operate on ad hoc basis in advance booking.

Later, I found out that it had been taken over by a catering company .

p.s. we had a plate of fried noodles and noodles soup plus a cup of coffee for RM33 ++ for lunch. No wonder, I did not meet a ‘fly’ up there except for workers and the Japanese tourist.

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