Friday, June 24, 2011

Fond memories ........

Finally, I have the time to write about this... As suspected after haven't seen H.P. a.k.a "Hao Paw" for a long time, I finally got the chance to ask Uncle Wah , ie. her 'papa', about her.  It seemed that "Hao aw" had passed away two weeks after H.G's death.   They both had been buddies since young and always played together.  After H.G.'s passing away, "Hao Paw" had been looking sad and depressed but I didn't expect she will 'follow' H.G. so soon after all she looked pretty healthier than H.G.  Farewell to all my " paws "!!

H.G. a.k.a "Hao Gung" 3 years ago.

Home cooked dinner

Had a nice surprise tonight.   Reached home quite early for once, and found that Fussy M is cooking spaghetti for dinner ! Home version of course !  "Slurpped" everything all at once !

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Dinner time

                                       Smells good !

Had a surprise tonight coz I never expect Fussy M to make nasi ulam for dinner.   Our home version of nasi ulam ; just throw in whatever we have in the kitchen.  Of course dried shrimps and chilli is a must !
Also try to make some western pumpkin soup ; smells like one, taste okay but not like what I had outside.

p.s. nasi ulam is raw herbs and spices mixed with cooked white rice; no oil at all.  Healthy food indeed !

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Met an ex-colleague, CBN on the way home on Friday.  Actually she is also my ex-school-mate.   We have not seen each other for a few years since the last time I saw her was at Mahindarama Temple.  Quite surprise to see her at the Central Bank bus-stop because her office is supposed to be way way from that area.  It seemed that her office has shifted to the building next to Central Bank recently. No wonder the Dewan Sri bus-stop has huge Cathay Pacific advertisement.  Never change a bit except now she looks even prettier.  As she is with Cathay Pacific, she has been travelling extensively all the time, something she enjoys a lot.  So envy her when she told me that she has been to New York all alone by herself.  And now her long-lost contact class-mate whom she has just recently meet again at the airport in China is inviting her to go travelling in Eastern Europe together!  Good, at least she got some company to go there as she told me that she has not covered that part of the world and South America.  Also heard some news about my ex-senior cum colleague;  SS.  It seemd that SS has applied for a one year unpaid leave from her company to do social work in Sri Lanka, Thailand, etc.  SS has study in acupuncture and Chinese medication  and now she is applying her skills to help people in those places.  Syabas! And her husband is also reciding in Thailand now, also involved in some kind social work.  Good for them both ! I have long lost touch with SS since she moved to Johor.  Also last met her few years back at Mahindarama Temple when she was assisting the novice programme.

Koay Teow Soup

Finally, I managed to track down the Koay Teow soup seller which had moved from the junction of Carnavon Street (which Fussy M gave the highest recommendation of all koay teow soup).  He has shifted to the other end of Carnovon Street; towards the Prangin side.  The pricing is still reasonable, ie:, RM2.50 for small bowl which consists of some intestine too !  Fussy M found the soup base still the best but not as good as  what she recalled, maybe due to we arrived there quite late perhaps? (the seller had already added some water to the soup ?) Or maybe due to rising cost, he had decreased some ingredients for the soup base ? But one thing for sure, the fish ball is nice !

Anyway, glad that now I have more choices for koay teow soup.  
Okay, next round, we'll go hunting for the nasi lemak and laksa noodle at 77 Muntri Street which I had just read about in Nanyang yesterday.  Fussy M is really keen to try the laksa today but I am too tired (also trying to avoid being broke).  From the pictures, I think it is more like Ipoh laksa.  Well, we get there one day!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

It's dumplings day again!!!!

Tomorrow is dumplings day, but already many have started to savour the dumplings these two days.  Tried to make a few dumplings at home (definetely not done by me; I only assist in 'eating').  With the inflation going up and up, dumplings must be very expensive this year !

 Some amateur dumplings